Madison Ave Magazine

Fast Facts: Political Violence & Trump

There have been multiple times where Donald Trump has been the at the center of political violence, plots or serious threats. Here are ten notable incidents from recent history:



Las Vegas Incident (June 18, 2016):

The police arrested British citizen Michael Steven Sandford at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sandford attempted to gain control of a police officer’s firearm with the alleged intention to shoot then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. The incident occurred at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino, where Trump was holding a campaign event. Sandford, who was 20 years old at the time, the police quickly apprehended. The authorities subsequently charged him with multiple offenses, including being an illegal alien in possession of a firearm and disrupting an official function. The court sentenced Sandford to a year and a day in prison. The authorities extradited him to the United Kingdom a little over five months later.



Reno Rally Incident (November 5, 2016):

During a campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, an incident occurred involving then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump was addressing the audience when a commotion broke out in the crowd. An individual in the audience reportedly shouted “gun,” causing immediate concern for the candidate’s safety. In response to this perceived threat, Secret Service agents, following standard security protocols, quickly intervened. They swiftly escorted Trump off the stage to ensure his protection. The incident lasted only a few minutes, and after the situation was assessed and deemed safe, Trump returned to the stage to continue his speech. Subsequent investigations revealed that no firearm was actually present, and the disturbance was caused by a misunderstanding involving a protester. It turned out the person was unarmed and holding a “Republicans Against Trump” sign, but the incident highlighted the heightened security risks. Austin Crytes of Reno was identified as the individual in question.



White House Fence Jumper (March 10, 2017):

Jonathan Tran breached White House security by scaling the fence surrounding the grounds. At the time of the incident, then-President Donald Trump was present inside the White House. Secret Service agents promptly apprehended Tran following his unauthorized entry. Upon searching the intruder, authorities discovered he was carrying a letter addressed to President Trump. Investigators determined Tran’s actions constituted a serious security breach, but they did not pose an immediate threat of political violence. This incident led to a review and subsequent enhancement of White House security protocols.



Charlottesville Rally (August 12th 2017):

The “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, significantly impacted Trump’s presidency. White supremacists and far-right groups organized the rally to protest the removal of a Confederate statue. The rally attendees and counter-protesters clashed, leading to violence that culminated in the death of Heather Heyer. A white nationalist drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing Heyer. Trump’s response to the violence, where he stated that there were “very fine people on both sides,” faced widespread criticism. Many saw this as equating the actions of white supremacists with those of the counter-protesters, further polarizing the nation and tacitly endorsing far-right extremism.



Mail Bomb Plot (October 2018):

Cesar Sayoc, a supporter of then-President Donald Trump, the authorities arrested for mailing multiple explosive devices to various high-profile individuals and organizations. The targets included former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the CNN offices. These recipients were known critics of President Trump or prominent members of the Democratic Party. While President Trump himself did not target these packages, the incident considered part of a larger pattern of politically motivated violence. The case drew significant attention to the issue of domestic terrorism and the potential consequences of extreme political polarization in the United States. The courts subsequently convicted and sentenced Sayoc for his actions.



El Paso Shooting (August 3rd 2019):

The mass shooter at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, targeted Mexicans. The shooter posted a manifesto online expressing support for anti-immigrant rhetoric that echoed Trump’s language on immigration. The manifesto referenced a “Hispanic invasion,” similar to Trump’s use of the term “invasion” to describe the influx of immigrants at the southern border. Critics argued that Trump’s rhetoric had contributed to an atmosphere of hate and fear, emboldening individuals with extremist views to commit acts of violence.



Missouri State Fair Incident(July 2020):

Authorities apprehended Alexander Hillel Treisman in a significant law enforcement operation. Upon arresting Treisman, they found an arsenal of firearms, explosive materials, and a substantial amount of cash in his vehicle. During the subsequent investigation, officials uncovered a meticulously planned scheme to assassinate then-presidential candidate Joe Biden. Evidence also indicated that Treisman had contemplated targeting former President Donald Trump. This case highlights the complex and pervasive nature of security threats faced by high-profile political figures, particularly during election periods. The incident underscores the ongoing challenges in safeguarding candidates from diverse and unpredictable threats, regardless of their political affiliation.



Portland Protests (Summer 2020):

During the summer of 2020, people protested in Portland, Oregon, in response to the killing of George Floyd and broader issues of police violence and racial injustice. The protests were part of a nationwide movement but became particularly intense in Portland. Trump sent federal law enforcement officers to the city to quell the protests, arguing that local authorities were not doing enough to maintain order. The presence of federal agents, who used aggressive tactics including tear gas and rubber bullets, led to further violence and confrontations. Critics argued that Trump’s decision to send federal agents escalated tensions and was politically motivated to portray himself as a “law and order” president during an election year. This level of political violence only got worse as the year went on.



Michigan Governor Kidnapping Plot (October 2020):

In October 2020, the FBI thwarted a plot by a group of militia members to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The plotters opposed Whitmer’s COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown measures, which had been a point of contention and had received vocal criticism from Trump. Trump repeatedly attacked Whitmer on social media and in speeches, calling her “dictator” and “that woman from Michigan,” and encouraging supporters to “liberate Michigan.” Critics argued that Trump’s rhetoric had helped to inflame anti-government sentiments and contributed to the radicalization of the plotters. The incident underscored the dangerous potential of political rhetoric to inspire extremist actions.



Capitol Riot(January 6th 2021):

The January 6th insurrection marked a significant and tumultuous chapter in American history. On that day in 2021, supporters of then-President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol in an unprecedented attempt to disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election results. The riot followed a rally where Trump reiterated baseless claims of widespread voter fraud and urged his followers to “fight like hell.” The ensuing political violence led to multiple deaths, injuries, and extensive damage to the Capitol. Trump’s actions and rhetoric before and during the insurrection have since been the subject of intense scrutiny and multiple investigations, leading to an ongoing national debate about his responsibility and the broader implications for American democracy.

Written by

Mr. D. Johnson is a life long technology enthusiast with a key focus on blockchain technologies, A.I., robotics and gaming.

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